"Mark Fine completes Copake renovation for club centenary" -Golf Course Architecture
"New York's Historic Copake Country Club Celebrates Centennial Anniversary" -American Golfer
"Centennial Sentiments" -Club+Resort Business
"Copake Country Club" Feature -New England.Golf

1. Superintendent Mark Anderson and Mike Fine interview on Copake CC
"Working with Mark Anderson and his team we brought Copake Country Club back to life"
"Restored to its former age glory...If Urban didnt buy it, it would have been developed"

Voted 2018 "best Place to Play Golf" and 2018 Top 3 "places to Eat Dinner"
"We Wanted to Pass Along the Christmas Spirit"
"We could see it was done by someone who knew what he was doing" -The Met Golfer Mag
2018 4th annual Camp Sundown Helicopter Ball Drop Raffle